Haven't played this game in a while. I chose roommates and university. How do I unlock red light district? How many pills does the overdose take? I only got 2 different text outcomes. I already hit 200 fem
Also didn't find the new park event?
red light district should be available through corrupting Patricia or progressing in the university
the pill gives you 4 different outcome based on your femininity and numbers of pills you already took
overdose is everything over 100 femininity it will decrease every night until you hit 100 again
park events are:
Fit-For-Fun-Run at Sunday Noon
go jogging
Landlord if you don't pay the rent and then move out. At Night or Asleep
Can do Yoga with Patricia if her friendship is higher then 20. At Afternoon
Random chance to meet Patricia once per day. Under 21 corruption small talk, over 22 corruption a little bit fun

Random chance for a robber if your allure is higher than 100. With different interactions.
Random chance of seeing a young woman with option to adjust your stats.