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Mar 1, 10:19 PM
Feb 2022
I believe that MAL should introduce 0.5 rating system as well. Like 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 etc. Coz there are some series I didn't wanted to give a 7 but felt a 6 would be a low score so I can rate it 6.5 and settle in the middle. I think it would lead to more accurate ratings.
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Mar 1, 10:48 PM
Feb 2020
we absolutely do not need a 20-point system on MAL. i'm of the mind that a ten-point scale already has too much space.
Mar 1, 10:50 PM
Oct 2020
No we definitely dont need this
Mar 1, 10:54 PM

Jul 2021
I'd keep it as-is if it were up to me. Most MAL users don't know how to use half the scale anyway.
Mar 1, 10:58 PM
Jul 2022
If it's going to change from a 10 point I'd prefer a 100 point scale like 7.2 and 8.3 because that's generally how I round them to the closes rating now, but I also don't remember all of the previous anime I've done it for so it would be weird starting now as official ratings.
Mar 1, 11:08 PM
Dec 2020
anilist exists for a reason
Mar 1, 11:10 PM
Nov 2023
Yeah because I feel like there I some shows I rated that are in between the specific number but I have to either rate it slightly higher or lower
Mar 1, 11:10 PM
Jul 2024
Definitely yes. There are so many anime that I rated with a 0.5 of difference, and this is important. For example, Chainsaw man 7 and Hell's Paradise 7.5, both good animes but the second kinda better than the first. Is bad give both 7 on mal.
Mar 1, 11:17 PM
Sep 2024
There are many instances when I want to rate a show X.5
However, I still prefer the current simple rating system.
Mar 1, 11:24 PM

Jan 2017
Jatin587 said:
I think it would lead to more accurate ratings.

MAL already stated multiple times they wouldn't do that, and if you implement 0.5 decimals, people will then ask for 0.05 decimals, ect, anyway. The majority of the users already do not use the scale correctly, ignoring the 1-5 part... (Even you yourself, have barely 5% of your list on the lower half, so you should maybe reconsider what these ratings mean.)

If you have enough entry, you will always feel like there is different sections of quality under a single score, with some higher and some lower. That's normal. If you absolutely do want it, you can use your Tags or Notes to do that, tho.

Yurippe_05 said:
Definitely yes.

Same as above, you have 10% of your list in the lower scale.
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Mar 1, 11:30 PM

Sep 2022
I would say only form my point of view. Because there are many shows which is 6.5 to me but I can't give them 6 either so they goto 7. After rating and an average anime 7 I feel frustrated.
Mar 1, 11:36 PM
May 2021
no dude not at all.
Mar 1, 11:36 PM
Oct 2020
My drama list has 0.5 ratings, it just makes it worse for my brain to rate
Mar 1, 11:44 PM
Dec 2023
Yes it would we very easy to score after that
Mar 1, 11:52 PM
Dec 2024
Yeah it would be great.
Mar 1, 11:53 PM
Dec 2023
I think they should. There are many shows which I would like to rate in 0.5 system. But 10 star rating system is also good enough.
Mar 2, 12:17 AM
May 2024
yes like it's really needed
Mar 2, 12:27 AM
Feb 2015
Jatin587 said:
I believe that MAL should introduce 0.5 rating system as well. Like 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 etc. Coz there are some series I didn't wanted to give a 7 but felt a 6 would be a low score so I can rate it 6.5 and settle in the middle. I think it would lead to more accurate ratings.

I agree!! Been wanting this for years. mydramalist has 0.5 ratings, idk why mal doesn't have it
Mar 2, 12:29 AM
May 2016
Definitely not. I don't want to go over 900 shows and re-rate them.
Mar 2, 12:33 AM
Nov 2022
Jatin587 said:
I believe that MAL should introduce 0.5 rating system as well. Like 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 etc. Coz there are some series I didn't wanted to give a 7 but felt a 6 would be a low score so I can rate it 6.5 and settle in the middle. I think it would lead to more accurate ratings.

nah people are not that smart bruh 😂
Mar 2, 12:39 AM

May 2017
I would suggest a 100-Point verbal Likert Scale
Mar 2, 12:55 AM
Dec 2020

you seem to be very sure about yourself. and while i do think you do kinda have a point youre missing one key thing: the amount of anime watched.
when starting out its normal to give higher rankings
1. because you dont have many shows to compare to and…
2. because you mostly go by recommendations and mal scores. (which i think you mightve disregarded)

i can imagine having watched ~1500 shows you watched a LOT of bad ones.
but if the number of shows is around 200 like in the case of @Jatin587 and @Yurippe_05 (and me) it makes sense that the average score is higher
Mar 2, 1:07 AM
Mar 2021
😂😂😂 tht's not gonna happen dude
there 10 points why do you need more .
no we don't need tht
Anime Rules the world
Mar 2, 1:08 AM
Mar 2021
Genesis007AUT said:
I would suggest a 100-Point verbal Likert Scale

Go to tomato 🍅 meter dude
Anime Rules the world
Mar 2, 1:08 AM
Mar 2021
Zunesha59 said:
yes like it's really needed

Tomato 🍅......
Anime Rules the world
Mar 2, 1:14 AM

Jan 2017
keinboesewicht said:
but if the number of shows is around 200 like in the case of @Jatin587 and @Yurippe_05 (and me) it makes sense that the average score is higher

Oh sure, that's pretty much how it goes for everyone, including myself; we start with the popular/good ones before digging deeper.

However, it's not because so that you automatically have to feel stifled in the scale. Yurippe_05 used the example of Chainsaw Man (7) and Hell's Paradise (7.5). Wouldn't Chainsaw Man be a 6 (fine) and Hell's Paradise 7 (good), with maybe what he thought was 6 before being a 5 (average) for him, in reality (or 8 and 7, ect.) ?

In truth, i believe most people do not really think for themselves before attributing a score; you can often see users that are like "Peak! 07/10", or "Trash! 06/10". Personally, i really love to reflect on what i liked or not in a fictional work, and contemplate about my feelings for it. After doing so, i know without doubt what score i want to give. If one is confident in the way they feel about the series, they should be able to confidently attribute it a score, even if inside of the score multiple sections are created with time, and not feel the need for more. (And nothing stops the users from doing a rescale of their list; i did it multiple times, but never felt stifled.)
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Mar 2, 1:16 AM
Mar 2021
dude rating system are just for viewer's perspective of thinking and giving a proper response to a work of art
10 points are great we don't need anymore
Rating a film is just kinda rating our own life
kids see it differently
teenagers, 20s yougsters, 30rts and 40s middle aged people see it differently it doesn't mean tht they are all correct, they only see it and enjoy it by ther personal view point tht's all .
Anime Rules the world
Mar 2, 1:18 AM
Mar 2021
WestOnAndrewAve said:
If it's going to change from a 10 point I'd prefer a 100 point scale like 7.2 and 8.3 because that's generally how I round them to the closes rating now, but I also don't remember all of the previous anime I've done it for so it would be weird starting now as official ratings.

go to tomato 🍅 meter and use it....
Anime Rules the world
Mar 2, 1:25 AM
May 2022
They should scale down the 1-10 stars to 1-5 but with point five options.
Mar 2, 1:33 AM
Jul 2022
Reply to SoloNecromancer
WestOnAndrewAve said:
If it's going to change from a 10 point I'd prefer a 100 point scale like 7.2 and 8.3 because that's generally how I round them to the closes rating now, but I also don't remember all of the previous anime I've done it for so it would be weird starting now as official ratings.

go to tomato 🍅 meter and use it....
@SoloNecromancer I don't want to use an entirely different site at this point there's too many and I don't remember the scores aside from what I have it rounded to. Like I said it would have been good if I started with it but would be odd having it implemented now. Although I don't see the issue for those that don't want a 100 or 20 point scale, they can always use it like a 10 point one anyway so the change wouldn't affect them.
Mar 2, 1:53 AM
Nov 2020
YESSSSS BUT What would be great is to add it and then they let you decide if you want the 0.1-0.2-0.3..., 0.5 or 1 then everyone would be happy
Mar 2, 2:23 AM

Aug 2014
Oh yes, in fact, they should add a 0.001 scaling as well. I sure do want to rate anime as 7.471, etc. That would just be an amazing idea.
Mar 2, 2:26 AM

Oct 2023
yeah ill say so but,its gonna be complicated at first..
Mar 2, 3:06 AM
Feb 2024
Most people are just too dumb to even consider using the entire 10 point scale as is. They just mindlessly hand out 9s and 10s to any slop they watch and never even consider a 6 or lower.

But I would like a 20 point scale myself.
Mar 2, 3:10 AM

Sep 2016
I would approve of this, because a 10 point scale often makes it difficult to decide between 2 integers, that's why a 0.5 increment would be convenient.
Mar 2, 3:13 AM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
i’m supportive
also don’t mind either way
Mar 2, 3:59 AM
Mar 2021
hey do you have anilist
if you don't have back up all your animelist data and uplode it in anilist
you don't have to rate all anime frm start
it is also great site with good interface and especially for manga and manwha and manhua
all of them are there in anilist but you can't find it in animelist
Anime Rules the world
Mar 2, 5:40 AM
Jun 2022
Pillsbury_Uchiha said:
anilist exists for a reason

So you're just supporting his point?
People die if they are killed.

- A wise man
Mar 2, 5:55 AM
Aug 2019
10 covers plenty.

1 star - complete dogshit, nothing to enjoy whatsoever
2 star - horrible
3 star - pretty bad
4 star - worse than the average show
5 star - average all around. don’t feel strongly either way
6 star - a little better than the average show
7 star - good
8 star - really damn good
9 star - amazing / nearly perfect but not quite there
10 star - as close to perfect as a piece of art can be, or so amazing that all negatives are outweighed by the positives. left a lasting impression and is a standard that other shows should aspire to.

i don’t think we need 20 points lmao
Mar 2, 6:00 AM
May 2022
I agree with this.
I wish I could differentiate between scores because scoring two shows the same doesn't mean I enjoyed them the same or that I think they're equally good.
Mar 2, 6:24 AM
Jul 2023
no I think a 10 point system is good. if you really want on your anime list there is a bar under the series title for notes, I use it to give a more accurate rating for my list.

side note I'm not aware how MAL determines a series overall score but I think they should take in account for individual episode scores, too many people will give a show either a 1 or a 10, I think this will help curb mass review bombs.
Mar 2, 6:30 AM
Oct 2021
A 0.5 system wouldn’t cover enough. We need a 0.01 system. Imagine if you want to rate a show 7.28, but you have to choose between 7.0 and 7.5. I feel giving us more options would allow us to express our opinion better.
Mar 2, 6:46 AM
Jan 2020
Would be good. It doesnt need, it is fine the way it is, but it is nothing bad if that was added. Would be nice too.
Mar 2, 6:54 AM

Oct 2014
Maybe if it was only available for people who have a mean score between 3.5 and 6.5 and getting out of that range would prompt a warning that you'll lose your privilege if you don't bring your mean back. MAL users already rate too high and if they added in half scores that would make the people who only rate 6-10 feel more comfortable only rating 8-10 since now they can maintain the same granularity while also feeling like they're "supporting shows" better. If you already rate high then half scores are only giving you something that you were refusing to accept the site was already giving you.
Mar 2, 7:04 AM

Jul 2021
Nah. I think a 20-point scale is too much. 10 is the perfect balance.
Mar 2, 8:05 AM
Dec 2022
They should to be honest, I was thinking about this a day ago.
Mar 2, 8:32 AM
Dec 2020
Futduck said:
No we definitely dont need this

Ok kid I don’t like how sure you are it’s not a terrible idea
Mar 2, 8:40 AM
Mar 2022
100 point system works better imo. Either way, 10 point system is too narrow
Mar 2, 9:54 AM
Jul 2021
scale it down to 3 bro, 10 point scale is tiring 💔
Mar 2, 10:17 AM
Apr 2021
Jatin587 said:
I believe that MAL should introduce 0.5 rating system as well. Like 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 etc. Coz there are some series I didn't wanted to give a 7 but felt a 6 would be a low score so I can rate it 6.5 and settle in the middle. I think it would lead to more accurate ratings.

They should instead change it so its 1-5 instead off 1-10 and then they can add 0,5
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