Al Gore is a hypocritical asshole


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You must all die.

::goes outside and empties a bottle of hairspray into the sky::

:goes to an antique store and buys old-fashioned lead (instead of graphite) pencils:

:throws those pencils in the city water system: GUA HA HEEE!
It's been one of the best, most well-respected studies to date ...

That's one of the best, most well-respected studies to date, especially on a global scale.
The numbers are very, very accurate on a global scale and trend.

Unfortunately, it's not very explanatory in more local aspects.
E.g., they only looked at the last 25 years of Atlantic hurricanes, and then made some conclusions that go against the historical data of the Gulf Stream, at least the limited we have of it beyond 25 years.

That's why the study is a good global study, but I just rolled my eyes on the Hurricane statements.
It's clear they crossed the boundaries of the accurate global informatino, and tried to use it to explain localized issue, without considering the real, local data.

E.g., we've had warmer winters in the NE US back in the '20s and '30s. ;)
It is always funny that I always hear the same person (**********) bitching about America and favoring a leftist pinko commie regime. 80% of rich America :wtf::rolleyes: People who have succeeded in their jobs made sacrifices for it and if they have purchasing power, they will buy whatever they want and not what can a damn leftist Al Gore say them. If you hate USA so much why don't you leave it? You should really stop thinking that the American society is working like the French social system who assists some of the biggest parasites who just take advantage of our healthcare and social system because France is too fucking generous. To each for his own ass and it always the case in U.S.A, you perhaps never understood that but that is because you don't even know what it is to be strongminded, determined, hardworking and ruthless. In the USA if you want to live with success, you must bust your ass off hard and be like a shark in the business. It is the american mentality but you are very far to know what is anglo saxon mentality. And comparing Bush to nazis or whatever dictatorship is stupid.
If you like communists/socialists/any other form of leftism, you can go to Cuba or China and live happily.
Did you know, we had a "Little ICE AGE" that started around 1300 and ended in either 1814 or 1815????

So you mean all those people are dead now as a result? :)

All the capital letters and exclamation points in the world won't make global warming go away. But keep trying if you want.

I thought his $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, ?????????, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and mmmmmmmmmmmmm keys were sticking? :jester:
Prof Voluptuary - by referring to Gore "wanting to do something about the (global warming) problem" I think he has already done a great deal simply by making the documentary, which millions of people have seen. He seriously reduced the number of people who didn't have the first clue about the nature and scope of the problem. Raising mass awareness of an issue is essential before you can get the public on board for policy changes. I have yet to see the film (haven't had a chance; didn't feel I needed to be convinced, either), but others who have told me that there are some suggestions made at the end of the film, both about government policy and personal consumption habits, none of which - some may find this hard to believe - involve living like a caveman.

As for ContiGT's low-grade skeptical gotchas, this site addresses and debunks them all quite handily and thoroughly.

I'm not sure what percentage of the scientists referred and linked to are "weird beards" (guffaw!), but I'd guess that they probably know more about climate science than BBC's resident car guy.
What I think should be asked (although I'm not George) ...

I've never heard that before, Georges. How original :)
What I think, and I cannot speak for George, should have been asked is why don't you respect the 450 year history of our very differentiating Civics?

Honestly, I love the USA. There's nothing more to what I say that what I say. I may not like the government, but I love this country as much as anyone.
And what I think, and again I cannot speak for George, should be asked is why don't you stop and learn why the United States, and its people, are different?
It has a lot to do with how we think and how we approach problems and why you have difficulty understanding how even those Senators and Presidents you allegedly love would make decisions that go against everything you believe.

I'll ask you one more time, please read a basic book on basic American civics as understanding American civics is not optional to be a responsible American citizen.
Until then, when you make countless posts -- especially new threads like "FED UP" -- your statements come off as extensive and extreme insolence.

I.e., you expect us to listen to your views, yet you don't stop and read up on the views of Americans over 450 years that have let to our Republic as it exists today.
That is, by far, the greatest form of arrogance combined with ignorance which directly results into insolence in the eyes of many here -- or only me if you want to assume I'm the only one that thinks that way.
It was bad enough before when you clearly didn't understand a lot of American history, but now that you're onto gross ignorance of what led to the US Constitution, it's absolute.

I don't go around telling various other citizens what's wrong with their countries, although I have read up on many parts of their history, government and -- as I've talked about recently -- how their media is funded and controlled by their governments.
I at least have an opinion based on some research into the history and civics and law of various nations, and not merely based on what you think other people all want.
But even then I don't tell people what they want or should want, what everyone else seems to want and how I could make their country better, because I'm not in any position to do so, and I just know better than to be so arrogant that only what I say matters.

What you have continually suggested is against the foundation of the United States, yet you persist in telling us how your "opinion" is valid, even though it can never be implemented because it goes against what you haven't bothered to read up on.
True Democracies have been used over and over and over again, and they collapse rather quick, including being part of the problem in Iraq right now (and at the very heart of the original Sunni issue).
In fact, my continue arrogance on this board has been that I just want people to stop and look at the viewpoint of others, NOT even my own opinions in 80% of cases!

Especially those people who "claim" to represent "the people" or "the soldier" or whatever it is today they claim they "know better than me, and everyone else."
To quote Michael Crichton:
"Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had."

These speeches are a very interesting read and not that long:

Not to say I don't believe in global warming, though for me a temperature rise of tenths of a degree in over a hundred years doesn't really convince me, I just completely do not believe human activity is causing even such little increase in temperature and therefore the extreme measures environmentalists want the entire world to adopt are completely unnecessary and not cost effective at all, which is to say, if you all believe the economy under W is bad, those measures would make the economy under any president even worse.

Now, that doesn't mean people like me don't favor any environmental legislation, measures, or regulations, but got to use common sense.
Democracies fail because of the voter ... (my last and final point)

[ I didn't finish editing in 10 minutes, this will be my last point as I've made all I can ... ]
I'll ask you one more time, please read a basic book on basic American civics as understanding American civics is not optional to be a responsible American citizen.
Until then, when you make countless posts -- especially new threads like "FED UP" -- your statements come off as extensive and extreme insolence.
You said you didn't need one in the UK, why I strongly disagree with that, I can't tell you what "is expected" of a UK citizen -- but I can tell you what "is expected" of a US citizen!

In fact, part of the problem right now with the United States -- as predicted -- is the interest in American Civics -- especially at the voter-level.
Because what the voter does -- or more directly yet -- does not understand is how and why different political leaders can be voted in.
I.e., in every Democracy, the voter is the reason why Democracy fails, not the leader, and definitely not the leader in a Republic with such checks'n balances as the USl

Read up on American civics, then come to your own conclusions and opinions -- but please, please, not before you even have any taste of it.
The questions you ask have been asked before, and they have been answered differently by many people, even the Founding Fathers themselves disagreed with one another.
The very same "is Capitalism compatible with Republicanism" was not only asked them, but even "is Socialism compatible with Republicanism" has been asked even countries like the former Soviet Union ...
Let alone the same question is a debate the Chinese have with themselves everyday (and in far greater depth than the Soviet IMHO), and it's very, very interesting to watch from a civics stanpoint!

But you insist that reading such is unimportant and won't change your views, which is not the point at all ... because ...

I.e., you expect us to listen to your views, yet you don't stop and read up on the views of Americans over 450 years that have let to our Republic as it exists today.
That is, by far, the greatest form of arrogance combined with ignorance which directly results into insolence in the eyes of many here -- or only me if you want to assume I'm the only one that thinks that way.
It was bad enough before when you clearly didn't understand a lot of American history, but now that you're onto gross ignorance of what led to the US Constitution, it's absolute.
This is what is bothering me, and I wish other people would publicly say, "I don't agree with ProfV on many things, but I do very much agree this is bothering me as an American too."

Because until then, you keep saying only one or two people agree with me, which isn't the point here.
The point here is that you want to lecture us on what you think will work, and we're all responding not with opinions, but merely ...
"hey, we all don't know what will work best, but we do know that we've studied far more about what has and hasn't worked in 450 years than you have bothered to."

Especially on the US Constitution and it's Amendment process, which you have directly stated you want to bypass.
Not an option in my America, and I think I do very much have many people on my side -- at least enough that a supermajority cannot say otherwise. ;)
Take note of the German auto industry ...

Not to say I don't believe in global warming, though for me a temperature rise of tenths of a degree in over a hundred years doesn't really convince me, I just completely do not believe human activity is causing even such little increase in temperature and therefore the extreme measures environmentalists want the entire world to adopt are completely unnecessary and not cost effective at all, which is to say, if you all believe the economy under W is bad, those measures would make the economy under any president even worse.
Just ask the German auto industry, who doesn't even have to lobby the German government to reverse some of the mandatory decreases in emissions planned.

I'm just a simple, lazy engineer.
I'm not a politician, I'm not an advocate, hell, I'm registered NPA (Not Party Affliation) in my Florida county.
I've only studied applied physics and microeonomics.
I can only tell you what is feasible both technically and financially.

All I ask is people who don't have an applied physics and microeonomics background who say how "dumb" I am because I can't solve the problem to their political liking, much less to their physical and economic liking, to stop being part of the problem.
So you mean all those people are dead now as a result? :)

I thought his $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, ?????????, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and mmmmmmmmmmmmm keys were sticking? :jester:

My Ancestors Made It Though O.K.!!!! :thumbsup: The Key's Don't Stick, I just Do That To Get A Special Person's Attention & Gets Him Really Mad!!! Thats All AFA!! tahT cinaP nottuB revE kcitS tA ehT gnorW emiT???? :glugglug:

My Ancestors Made It Though O.K.!!!! :thumbsup: The Key's Don't Stick, I just Do That To Get A Special Person's Attention & Gets Him Really Mad!!! Thats All AFA!! tahT cinaP nottuB revE kcitS tA ehT gnorW emiT???? :glugglug:


Yes, I understand. That would be a big repetitive big bang, boom, boom, boom. :jester:

Local radio guy seems to think that if he can discredit Gore, global warming will just go away. It's a great concept, we should be able to fight disease by discrediting Doctors, avoid the Bird Flu by discrediting the Center for Disease Control, and avoid any chance of comets or meteors hitting the Earth by discrediting astronomers. We can even avoid auto accidents by discrediting statistics and insurance companies. :dunno:
No, it should be, think about what the hell is going on, and decide for yourselves. Gore is not telling us what to do. He is telling us to wake up, accept reality, and decide for ourselves. He is telling us we can keep ruining the earth, but we must not lie to ourselves that we care about our children if we are going to continue to exploit the earth in every way possible, and then hand it to them. Absolute selfishness, or caring about the future. Gore doesn't give you orders, he tells you what your choices are.

Yes, I understand that... But Is he leading by example or just in it for the Money???

He is just a mouth piece due to his high profile, nothing more. I tend to listen to those who practice what they preach.

al Gore is not doing that.
Then don't listen to him in particular. But listen to the rest of the intellectual world community, telling us we're pushing the limits of our habitat beyond repair and destroying our grandchildren and their grandchildren's chances of thriving and even surviving the way we have...


See, now your preaching to me! did I not just say that I tend to listen to others who practice what they Preach?

the message is simple... Lead by Example!!
Like I've said, that Gore is a hypocritical asshole may very well be. Quite frankly, I don't care either way because he's just a messenger. The problem arise when people use it as an argument against global warming. Such an argument is a fallacy (although fairly common).
what the fuck are you guys talking about?

blah, I really resent people telling me that because I drive a car (which I don't, BTW) that I am just as responsible for pollution as Monsanto.

yes, we're all hypocrites.. but unless you aren't one, then you don't have any grounds to chastise others for it. I'm sick of SUV drivers telling environmentalists how they are full of shit because they aren't saving the world. If they were, then they'd be blowing up hummer dealerships, but you don't want to hear that. You don't really want to help, you just want to put down other people that give a shit so that you can sit around and do nothing and not have to worry about anyone making you feel guilty about it.

I may be a hypocrite, but so are you and you're an asshole too!

(Note: that was the rhetorical You, for the sake of getting my point across on the general sentiment, not about any specific members. If I was talking about someone I would adress thier point and counter it, not just make a blanket statement insulting or otherwise.)

doh, ok. I'm willing to give you guys the benefit of the doubt. there are a lot of smart people on here, so will someone please tell me exactly how burning fossil fuels and toxic waste is GOOD for the environment?
Because everyone wants to drive a japanese economical shibox made of plastic or something that isn't made to last. The lowest of the range cars of today are like disposables. What do you think wil lbe my choice between a ford crown victoria p71 or a civic? A crown victoria p71.
Because everyone wants to drive a japanese economical shibox made of plastic or something that isn't made to last. The lowest of the range cars of today are like disposables. What do you think wil lbe my choice between a ford crown victoria p71 or a civic? A crown victoria p71.

Will either one of those cars serve you well if your home is under water?
al gore is full of it. first he buys carbon credits to offset his own carbon emmissions from his own company its all a new ploy to make money .
second theese same scientist types stated in 1975 that the earth was cooling and we have to do something to warm the earth they were even thinking of melting the ice caps
third is that the earth was getting warmer from the year 1000 the end of the mini ice age and the reason for europe coming out of the dark ages, the sea levels have been rising steadily over the last 10000 years to over 500 feet. even if the ice caps melt(not the glaciers wich have always been melting since the end of the ice age) the sea level will not rise due to the fact that the ice is already in the water.(think ice in your beverage, it melts but the cup doesnt run over)
and alot of scientist have already stated that the warming of the earth has nothing to do with man but the sun and electro-magnetic fields solar storms have been at record highs in the last decade sendig more radiation towards this planet(heat) on top of that the magnetic north and south poles are moving and are overdue for a polarity shift (north going south &vice versa)weakening our protection from cosmic radiation. further in 1997 27000 scientist regected the kyoto protocals , and a magor company trying to get the U.S.A. to sign on to g.w. was enron (for one big payday)and dont get duped by the photo of the polar bear "stuck" on the ice berg out in the sea these bears can swim out 100 miles with ease and do so often
all these are facts that can be easily researched by using your internt for something other than surfing for porn