What I think should be asked (although I'm not George) ...
I've never heard that before, Georges. How original
What I think, and I cannot speak for George, should have been asked is why don't you respect the 450 year history of our very differentiating Civics?
Honestly, I love the USA. There's nothing more to what I say that what I say. I may not like the government, but I love this country as much as anyone.
And what I think, and again I cannot speak for George, should be asked is why don't you stop and learn why the United States, and its people, are different?
It has a lot to do with how we think and how we approach problems and why you have difficulty understanding how even those Senators and Presidents you allegedly love would make decisions that go against everything you believe.
I'll ask you one more time, please read a basic book on basic American civics as understanding American civics is not optional to be a responsible American citizen.
Until then, when you make countless posts -- especially new threads like "FED UP" -- your statements come off as extensive and extreme insolence.
I.e., you expect us to listen to your views, yet you don't stop and read up on the views of Americans over 450 years that have let to our Republic as it exists today.
That is, by far, the greatest form of arrogance combined with ignorance which directly results into insolence in the eyes of many here -- or only me if you want to assume I'm the only one that thinks that way.
It was bad enough before when you clearly didn't understand a lot of American history, but now that you're onto gross ignorance of what led to the
US Constitution, it's absolute.
I don't go around telling various other citizens what's wrong with their countries, although I have read up on many parts of their history, government and -- as I've talked about recently -- how their media is funded and controlled by their governments.
I at least have an opinion based on
some research into the history and civics and law of various nations, and not merely based on what you think other people all want.
But even then I don't tell people what they want or should want, what everyone else seems to want and how I could make their country better, because I'm not in any position to do so, and I just know better than to be so arrogant that only what I say matters.
What you have continually suggested is
against the foundation of the United States, yet you persist in telling us how your "opinion" is valid, even though it can
never be implemented because it goes against what you haven't bothered to read up on.
True Democracies have been used over and over and over again, and they collapse rather quick, including being part of the problem in Iraq right now (and at the very heart of the original Sunni issue).
In fact,
my continue arrogance on this board has been that I just want
people to stop and look at the viewpoint of others, NOT even my own opinions in 80% of cases!
Especially those people who
"claim" to represent "the people" or "the soldier" or whatever it is today they claim they "know better than me, and everyone else."