It really is nice how many options regarding fetishes we get. I hope the dev does not overextend themselves too much when catering to so many choices.
The backstory of this game did make think about the relativity of morality and while there was a scene of Hell, I started thinking that the entire universe (including the false-prudish homeplanet) is Hell. It just seems so... sinful, tempting and evil, and not only because of the lewdness, but also the general attitude. I know I'm probably reading too deeply into it, but thank you dev, for making me think philosophical thoughts while playing a porn game.
Thanks for your comments, Enigma!

I'm really pleased the game sparked some interesting thoughts. I won't comment too much on them - cos spoilers - but you're close to one of the primary themes.
I've always found sci-fi to be an excellent way of exploring ideas, and since the game is a partial Heinlein parody, I figured I'd take the opportunity to sneak in a few discussions on ethics, religion and politics. (Though, unlike Heinlein, I'm not trying to drive that discussion in a particular direction). Now, I won't claim to be the deepest thinker - I
am a pornographer, after all!

- but I have always been interested in the conflict between reality as is, as perceived and as desired.
Don't worry - I'm not going to get all postmodern (I lean towards Empiricism) but the setting is a great place to look at the possibility of more than one reality co-existing... And of showing some alien boobies while I do it!