Let's see if you gun nuts still support the "Stand Your Ground" law...

In Finland no one carry a gun except the police.

When the children have the confidence to go anywhere anytime it would be amusing if the adult-who does not have a gun- not dare to do so.
Is Mariah Milano saying that she owns several fully automatic sub machine guns? My dad was a Force Recon Marine and owned a couple in the 70's. He euen used .222 shells with tracers. Even he got rid of them thought they should only be used by law enforcement and in warfare. I bet her FBI background check was interesting and the fees and costs of owning one can be upwards of 20 grand per weapon.


Official Checked Star Member
the ak47 was bought privately the uzi is semi auto

I wouldnt say 1 is several but ok, you're the attorney. I would rather know I own them than some idiot who has other motives.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Just because it's a private sale, doesn't mean you can forgo the licensing process. In fact, private sale of fully automatic weapons is completely illegal. The process is, your friend...if legally owning the weapon, whats for your FBI back round check to clear...easily a year...more under obama and holder. When you receive the okay, and you purchase your tax stamp, I think around a hundred $100, maybe $200, he takes the gun to a licensed class 3 dealer, and you bring your tax stamp, and transfer paper work is completed. He collects a fee for doing it, and the ATF is notified. In fact, if that gun leaves your home FOR ANY REASON, you are required by federal law, to notify the ATF of the transfer of that weapon, when going to the range...even if it's a half a mile down the road, but especially if it involves crossing any State boarders. Any fire arm of a fully automatic nature that is purchased, must be produced before either 1986, or 1984...I'm not sure of the year. No parts for any fully automatic weapons may be produced before those years either. If the gun was purchased as a semi automatic weapon, and your friend converted it, you are in violation of federal law, and could be looking at up wards of 10 to 15 years in a federal prison. Converting is far worse then buying one that was produced that way, but bought under the table, so to speak. If you inherit a fire arm from a relative that has passed, the fire arm must be turned over to the ATF, until you can pass a back round check, and purchase your stamp...if you choose to sell it, or cannot pass the check, the ATF takes possession until a buyer is found, and they turn it over to that person, once all of the paper work is completed. A weapon that is fully automatic, would be a "select fire" weapon, if it can't be fired either way, and there is no selector switch, it is a converted firearm, and possession of it, a serious felony. Serious means, the ATF, and or FBI, will prosecute, and plunder you to the fullest extent of the law, and neither have the SLIGHTEST sense of humor, especially when it comes to weapons violations. Federal time, is served to it's full extent...10 years means 10 years, not 9 years, 364 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes...IT MEANS 10 YEARS.
Carrying weapons is just crazy... When I see woman carrying knife or guns in her bag, that's like a signal inside my head saying to stay away from that bitch, it's sign of violent nature for me. Weapons are meant for attacking. not defending, their purpose is to hurt someone not scare someone away or for self-defence. Those kind of people just keep saying it's for self-defence, but earlier or later they end up using them for any ridiculously stupid reasons after getting little bit drunk and stab someone couple times because her/his face wasn't pretty enough to stand close to her/him. Huge surprise that attackers with weapons are often just sissies who panic and shoot anything moving or run away easily, while people who carry weapons in their pockets for "self-defence" tend to strike their attackers at least 10 times to be sure he/she won't be moving anymore. It's like some excuse to stab someone to relief some anger...

Here is a little test. When you go to date, have a small cream cupcake, push it into a womans face out of nowhere and see her reaction. If she instanlty throws her drink on your face angrily or slaps you to face, she is furious woman who relied instantly to violence and revenge without even asking and gets -2 points. If she looks at you for a moment with WTF, then slaps you, she has that violent side with her too and gets -1 points still. If she laughs for it or does anything playful, she definetly has some humour and thats going to be +1 points. It's a kind of panic situation, it's easy to say one could react differently, but when bear attacks suddenly, people either react by attacking it like beastmen, pee in their panties and freeze being unable to move or then they already ran the fuck away during reading this. Cycle of revenge with lack communications can easily kill otherways good relationship, when little bit of talking could have saved all the trouble.

In Finland no one carry a gun except the police.

When the children have the confidence to go anywhere anytime it would be amusing if the adult-who does not have a gun- not dare to do so.

Yeah, normal people don't carry handguns so much, but there are crazy people with other weapons and it's usually some rarer criminals with actual guns. Having weapons in home usually as a part of some hobby/hunting then again is another thing, but it's a strange enough hobby to collect weapons at all.


Official Checked Star Member
I am fully aware of the ownership transfer process as I have done it before. The gun was originally semi but had a conversion kit put on it by the previous owner. So I am going to have the conversion kit removed so that I can sell it. I just haven't thought about it for a while.


Official Checked Star Member
When I hear someone say what you just did I think what a fucking stupid pussy bitch. Sorry, just being honest. So when someone comes into your house with a gun what are you gonna defend you and your family with? A baseball bat? a curling iron? dude you're an idiot. I have carried a gun for 7 years and never once pulled it on anyone.

And whether you care to believe it or not I'm not an average girl in the population. I have people who see me far differently than they see the average girl. The stalker I had who jumped my fence lived in Oklahoma and hired a PI to find my house. he went to extensive lengths and had I not had my gun, who knows what would have happened.

Anyone who says guns are only for attacking are pussies who have no idea what the real world is like. The bad guys all have guns, so why the fuck shouldn't the good guys? use your brain butt muncher

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Carrying weapons is just crazy... When I see woman carrying knife or guns in her bag, that's like a signal inside my head saying to stay away from that bitch, it's sign of violent nature for me. Weapons are meant for attacking. not defending, their purpose is to hurt someone not scare someone away or for self-defence. Those kind of people just keep saying it's for self-defence, but earlier or later they end up using them for any ridiculously stupid reasons after getting little bit drunk and stab someone couple times because her/his face wasn't pretty enough to stand close to her/him. Huge surprise that attackers with weapons are often just sissies who panic and shoot anything moving or run away easily, while people who carry weapons in their pockets for "self-defence" tend to strike their attackers at least 10 times to be sure he/she won't be moving anymore. It's like some excuse to stab someone to relief some anger...

Here is a little test. When you go to date, have a small cream cupcake, push it into a womans face out of nowhere and see her reaction. If she instanlty throws her drink on your face angrily or slaps you to face, she is furious woman who relied instantly to violence and revenge without even asking and gets -2 points. If she looks at you for a moment with WTF, then slaps you, she has that violent side with her too and gets -1 points still. If she laughs for it or does anything playful, she definetly has some humour and thats going to be +1 points. It's a kind of panic situation, it's easy to say one could react differently, but when bear attacks suddenly, people either react by attacking it like beastmen, pee in their panties and freeze being unable to move or then they already ran the fuck away during reading this. Cycle of revenge with lack communications can easily kill otherways good relationship, when little bit of talking could have saved all the trouble.

Yeah, normal people don't carry handguns so much, but there are crazy people with other weapons and it's usually some rarer criminals with actual guns. Having weapons in home usually as a part of some hobby/hunting then again is another thing, but it's a strange enough hobby to collect weapons at all.

People that carry a firearm for protection against the criminal element, that runs rampant in this country, (U.S.) are crazy...but you feel it's acceptable to shove a cup cake in a girls face, to test her limits of tolerance?!?!?!

I have news for you, normal people...including myself, carry every day. We don't do it because we wanna be cowboys, we don't do it because we're cowards, we don't do it because we're paranoid. We do it because we know, the real world is a scary, and dangerous place, and being able to protect yourself, and your family means more to us, the the opinions of someone that's just begging to be a victim, so they can cry how bad the world rally is. It's far more important that being concerned with the unimportant judgements of a person that obviously doesn't have enough respect to treat a lady properly, and relies on an unfounded attack against her, to judge whether she is the type of person that defends herself, or rolls over and plays the victim. I don't know ONE SINGLE WOMAN, that would accept a cup cake to the face, outside of that one single moment at a wedding, when she's thinking about doing it to you.
I could more than likely get approved to own a fully automatic piece but wouldn't even consider it. The weapon has to be manufactured before 1986 . People convert them by changing the firing pin. Anyone that owns or transports one without going through the proper channels is risking a lot. I can't even comprehend buying one on the black market or privately. Federal gun laws are such that a violator would serve a hefty sentence. And laws vary from state to state.


Official Checked Star Member
next time you're down here go to the wagon wheel flea market. you can buy just about anything there right out in the open!

This AK is from the 1970s it has the bayonet and is a chinese replica of the russian version which they sometimes call AK 74 it has the altered firing pin I see guys at the gun range all the time with fully auto weapons.


Here is a little test. When you go to date, have a small cream cupcake, push it into a womans face out of nowhere and see her reaction. If she instanlty throws her drink on your face angrily or slaps you to face, she is furious woman who relied instantly to violence and revenge without even asking and gets -2 points. If she looks at you for a moment with WTF, then slaps you, she has that violent side with her too and gets -1 points still. If she laughs for it or does anything playful, she definetly has some humour and thats going to be +1 points. It's a kind of panic situation, it's easy to say one could react differently, but when bear attacks suddenly, people either react by attacking it like beastmen, pee in their panties and freeze being unable to move or then they already ran the fuck away during reading this. Cycle of revenge with lack communications can easily kill otherways good relationship, when little bit of talking could have saved all the trouble.

Dude, you're going to die alone. :facepalm::1orglaugh


Official Checked Star Member
here's a little test for YOU dipshit. next time you're out with a woman which clearly has never happened, pull your pants down and lift your shirt exposing your genitals. if she laughs, then she's a keeper.
Mariah why are you resorting to name calling to Chopper? He only expressed how he would deal or has dealt with a home invasion. He lives in a country with very strict gun laws. He has always been very complimentary and supportive of you on your food thread too. Amazing that you would jump his shit like that.


Closed Account
I really can't understand all these gun loving US citizens.

Take a look at europe for example: Here it is normal not to have a gun and life here is working real fine without them.


Chief Kessler had that full auto (I couldn't tell what caliber) handgun with a drum mag...that was cool.
Imagine the home invader guys all shot within 3 seconds of entry...surprise!:eek:

No matter how big or how many rounds you got, a single wellplaced round in a gunfight ends the event.
Whether the perp or you has the final shot is up to fate and skillset, kinda like Marshall Dillon often fired second but never missed.
My fav was my Springfield Armory .45, ported, accurized, Commander carbon fiber trigger, with a Shooting Star mag (8 capacity) and a beaver tail grip safety.
Point and shoot, it hit where you aimed 9 times if needed.
I liked the .38 2" snub with a pinkie extension Packmyer grip, no kick and also hit what you aimed at 5 times.
I had others, but my weapons were for protection, I had a business and lived in New Orleans (preKatrina).
.45 stayed in the house, .38 travelled. .38 had NiCad hollow points, .45 had Hydrashok loaded.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You don't alter the firing pin, it involves the sear, and dis connector, and several other parts. It's not as easy as people think, to convert a weapon. Someone with a little machine shop, and gunsmith knowledge can do it, but you can't just take out one part, file it down, and expect to get anything more then a very dangerous accident, waiting to happen. An AK47, and an AK74 are 2 entirely different weapons, they fire different rounds. Just because you didn't preform the conversion, doesn't limit your liability. Converting it back, does not negate the original conversion. The back round check for a class 3 license, is probably one of the hardest back round checks to pass. If you got busted for smoking a doobie in school...they'll find it. Legal ownership is a hassle. The ATF can inspect the weapon WHENEVER they want, and you better have your shit straight...as I said, they're not the kind of people that enjoy a good joke.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Just because it's a private sale, doesn't mean you can forgo the licensing process. In fact, private sale of fully automatic weapons is completely illegal. The process is, your friend...if legally owning the weapon, whats for your FBI back round check to clear...easily a year...more under obama and holder. When you receive the okay, and you purchase your tax stamp, I think around a hundred $100, maybe $200, he takes the gun to a licensed class 3 dealer, and you bring your tax stamp, and transfer paper work is completed. He collects a fee for doing it, and the ATF is notified. In fact, if that gun leaves your home FOR ANY REASON, you are required by federal law, to notify the ATF of the transfer of that weapon, when going to the range...even if it's a half a mile down the road, but especially if it involves crossing any State boarders. Any fire arm of a fully automatic nature that is purchased, must be produced before either 1986, or 1984...I'm not sure of the year. No parts for any fully automatic weapons may be produced before those years either. If the gun was purchased as a semi automatic weapon, and your friend converted it, you are in violation of federal law, and could be looking at up wards of 10 to 15 years in a federal prison. Converting is far worse then buying one that was produced that way, but bought under the table, so to speak. If you inherit a fire arm from a relative that has passed, the fire arm must be turned over to the ATF, until you can pass a back round check, and purchase your stamp...if you choose to sell it, or cannot pass the check, the ATF takes possession until a buyer is found, and they turn it over to that person, once all of the paper work is completed. A weapon that is fully automatic, would be a "select fire" weapon, if it can't be fired either way, and there is no selector switch, it is a converted firearm, and possession of it, a serious felony. Serious means, the ATF, and or FBI, will prosecute, and plunder you to the fullest extent of the law, and neither have the SLIGHTEST sense of humor, especially when it comes to weapons violations. Federal time, is served to it's full extent...10 years means 10 years, not 9 years, 364 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes...IT MEANS 10 YEARS.

^^^ Good post. I'll try to rep you but the system apparently won't let you rep someone you've repped in the past 50 years now. It's the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 and the manufacture and registration date on select fire and automatic weapons must be before May(?) 1986. The only exceptions are for military and law enforcement (including some private security firms).

I appreciate Mariah's pictures. They're a hell of a lot sexier than the ones Fisher posted. :D And being something of an AK fan, I especially appreciate the one of her with the AK. I think she should get together with Chica from Chica's Place and her pal Thomas from Amateur Allure and have a machine gun shoot in the Arizona desert (he has a sweet, full-auto H&K MP5 that I'm lusting for). But I would be careful about advertising what I owned on a public message forum - especially if I traveled a lot. Just my 2 pennies. But still... Mariah, feel free to post as many photos of you and that AK as you want. Nice shots - really are. And uh, a Youtube vid of the "jiggle affect" when you fire it on full auto won't offend me in the least. :D

BTW, hopefully what she meant by "private transaction", for the select fire/full auto AK, was that she purchased it from a private seller, but applied for and received the necessary ATF tax stamp for a Class 3 weapon to make the transfer legal. Otherwise, yeah... it's an "issue" that she needs to fix ASAP. Last I heard the tax stamp was "only" $200. That's been several years ago - I don't know what the transfer tax stamp costs now. And depending on where you live, it's usually not a big deal. I don't have any Class 2 or Class 3 weapons or accessories (suppressors, etc.), but I know several people who do. No biggie, really.

P.S. On "Stand Your Ground" and the various Castle Doctrine concepts, I am generally in favor of them. But the major issue I have with Stand Your Ground (specifically) is when you get paper tigers, who are pussies by nature, who can't fight and who will use firearms to give them an edge when they decide to start some shit with other people. See, I was brought up in a time when if you started some shit, got some shit slung back at you and wound up with your dick in the dirt, that was your fault. You take your ass beating, crawl home and have mommy put a steak on your eye. I never started a fight, because even if I'd won, my dad would have whipped my ass. But America is now full of pussy-men, girlie men, wannabe tough guys, who see Wyatt Earp when they look in the mirror (when really they are Barney Fife). My father was 6'4" of pure REAL man! And other than when we had an issue with someone rustling cattle, he didn't carry a gun - ever. He was generally not violent, but I did see him literally lift a man's feet completely off the ground with a single uppercut under the jaw, and this guy was as big as he was. The guy had it coming. But my dad was true, blue old school: don't fuck with other people and don't let people fuck with you. I do my best to live by the great example that he set. Me, I wouldn't be roaming around like a mall cop, trying to see who I could fuck with. But that's just me. My right to own basically any firearm I choose to own is under threat partially because these pussies and mall cop types are making us all look like crazed asswipes who shouldn't be allowed to own anything more powerful than a BB gun.
Im not a rifle fan I have an Uzi also just because I found a good deal on one and its easy in close quarters. My mossberg 12 is my home protection along with my bed side glock 40 my 38 is in my purse so Im pretty comfortable and confident with the current setup :) I would like a Beretta so that might be my next gun purchase

My both cousins who were sent in the Bosnian and Iraq war never wanted as the m9 (Beretta 92) as their side arm, in the first gulf war it was the handgun that had the biggest number of jams. One of them baught the heckler and koch p7m13 which was one of the most advanced and most reliable hand guns made by heckler and koch and later switched to the mark23 mod0, the other cousin had a rare bren ten in 10 mm auto as his handgun, he later switched for a para ord p 14-45. I wouldn't reckon my money on any Beretta even on the Beretta Cougar or the Beretta 9000. If you want a great gun then the sig sauer 226 http://www.sigsauer.com/CatalogProductDetails/p226-elite-dark-threaded-barrel.aspx , the bul m5 http://www.bultransmark.net/BULM5Government.htm and the heckler and koch mk 23 mod O http://www.hk-usa.com/civilian_products/mark23_general.asp or the USP http://www.hk-usa.com/civilian_products/uspt_general.asp are my choices
I really can't understand all these gun loving US citizens.

Take a look at europe for example: Here it is normal not to have a gun and life here is working real fine without them.
You will never understand because first you have never been a member of the NRA nor a gun owner in the USA, second you don't have family in the USA whose members are all gun owners and third you have never been threatened at gun point. In Europe, the law abiding citizens can only be victims and aren't able to shoot a scumbag otherwise they go in Jail.