I Love Asians! Who else does?

In terms of initial looks, a middle eastern or indian guy generally gets my eye first as I love hairy men - no such things as too hairy for me. As Asians tend to be more smooth, the initial attraction isn't always there. But, speaking from experience, some of the best sex of my life has been with Asian guys. I'll happy play given the opportunity!
He is from Brazil there are a bunch of Asians here, we have the biggest concentration of Japanese descendants outside of Japan. Although we hardly see any Asian representation.
But don't most (about 95%?) of the Japanese Brazilians live in Sao Paulo? A large city, but not very representative of Brazil. I know what you mean about no Asian representation- the same as the US which has a much higher percentage of Asian Americans
But don't most (about 95%?) of the Japanese Brazilians live in Sao Paulo? A large city, but not very representative of Brazil. I know what you mean about no Asian representation- the same as the US which has a much higher percentage of Asian Americans
Yeah, but it’s not correct to say that there is virtually no Asians. I believe that in the US Asians are more concentrated in large cities as well.
We tend to feel attracted to what’s fed to us through culture, in the Americas it tells us that the beauty standard is European, it doesn’t matter if the population is mostly mixed or black (like in Brazil) the culture favours the European look, that’s a stain of colonialism that’s hard to overcome. I see some people arguing that it’s just preference and you can’t force people to feel attracted to someone, that’s true, but it’s not the point. I’m not trying to make everybody feel attracted to everybody, but to be critical of your culture, why you like what you like?
...I believe that in the US Asians are more concentrated in large cities as well.
OK, true. The Asian American population in the US is around 6% but many live in big cities such as NY, LA, SF, etc. Anywhere that has less racism (basically excludes Midwest & South for the most part)
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As a white/greek man/guy, I find some Asians attractive, female or male. I've had Asian guys talk to me on apps or irl and I don't mind the conversation. It never goes beyond that because I always think they'll think I'll be "using" them because they prefer white guys or they think I'm a rice queen, which is a term I learned a while back. Same with black guys. I've found ones I find hot but I always keep thinking they see me as a fetishizer or they're one themselves and find the whole dom raceplay thing hot. I haven't had many hookups in general tbh.

I'd like to be like some guys and not give a shit about stuff like this but it's always a nagging thought in the back of my head.

To clarify I like some white guys, too. I don't find a particular race or ethnicity superior over another.
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As a white/greek man/guy, I find some Asians attractive, female or male. I've had Asian guys talk to me on apps or irl and I don't mind the conversation. It never goes beyond that because I always think they'll think I'll be "using" them because they prefer white guys or they think I'm a rice queen, which is a term I learned a while back. Same with black guys. I've found ones I find hot but I always keep thinking they see me as a fetishizer or they're one themselves and find the whole dom raceplay thing hot. I haven't had many hookups in general tbh.

I'd like to be like some guys and not give a shit about stuff like this but it's always a nagging thought in the back of my head.

To clarify I like some white guys, too. I don't find a particular race or ethnicity superior over another.

Sadly, that's the Catch-22 for us Asian guys.

We've been so conditioned to think we're unattractive and "less than" that we are always skeptical of anyone interested in us.

If I guy tells me he's "into Asians" or has Asian exes (or is talking to other Asian guys at the club or bar) the "fetishist" flag subconsciously gets raised in my head.

For me, this has translated into:

1. Only responding to guys who show interest first (not that there's a lot who do)
2. If it's on Instagram, scanning to see if they don't follow a million Asian guys
3. If it's on Grindr or some dating app, checking to see if they are "into Asians" (if someone says "open to race" or "no hangups" I still don't reach out, because I've been so mentally conditioned that he'll move onto the next white/latin/black guy who messages him next). But he also can't be "only into Asians."
4. And then hedging it with some other self-sabotaging comment like, "thanks but you can probably do better than me"

It's really horrible to be trapped in this mindset.
Sadly, that's the Catch-22 for us Asian guys.

We've been so conditioned to think we're unattractive and "less than" that we are always skeptical of anyone interested in us.

If I guy tells me he's "into Asians" or has Asian exes (or is talking to other Asian guys at the club or bar) the "fetishist" flag subconsciously gets raised in my head.

For me, this has translated into:

1. Only responding to guys who show interest first (not that there's a lot who do)
2. If it's on Instagram, scanning to see if they don't follow a million Asian guys
3. If it's on Grindr or some dating app, checking to see if they are "into Asians" (if someone says "open to race" or "no hangups" I still don't reach out, because I've been so mentally conditioned that he'll move onto the next white/latin/black guy who messages him next). But he also can't be "only into Asians."
4. And then hedging it with some other self-sabotaging comment like, "thanks but you can probably do better than me"

It's really horrible to be trapped in this mindset.
I felt this deep down. I'm black and have felt like this. You either have to be really cut up and muscular, a particular shade, or check off other boxes otherwise you get conditioned to feel unattractive in the gay community. You really see it in black guys who have zero attraction to other black guys because of that ingrained self-hatred. It gets deep when you really start to talk to people about their own feelings about it. I'll never get how people don't appreciate asian men though. Whether south or east asian, just a wide array of physically beautiful men
Yep, all true. Though I sometimes wonder if I've been fetishized whenever I've been dark tanned due to my genetics and being "exotic."
You either have to be really cut up and muscular, a particular shade, or check off other boxes otherwise you get conditioned to feel unattractive in the gay community.
Not always true. There's this twunk I'm talking to in Texas who's more of a runner's build with a bubbly firm ass who's not a particular shade you're referring to I find attractive. I'd bite his ass and tear it up like Diego's buddies in Ice Age looking for a hearty meal. I can't say I've had much luck in the last few years either way with that though. The last two I was talking to were weird; one was super into women's lingerie... and the other was heavy into the pup scene and pondering the furry stuff. No bueno mi muchacho.
Sadly, that's the Catch-22 for us Asian guys.

We've been so conditioned to think we're unattractive and "less than" that we are always skeptical of anyone interested in us.

If I guy tells me he's "into Asians" or has Asian exes (or is talking to other Asian guys at the club or bar) the "fetishist" flag subconsciously gets raised in my head.

For me, this has translated into:

1. Only responding to guys who show interest first (not that there's a lot who do)
2. If it's on Instagram, scanning to see if they don't follow a million Asian guys
3. If it's on Grindr or some dating app, checking to see if they are "into Asians" (if someone says "open to race" or "no hangups" I still don't reach out, because I've been so mentally conditioned that he'll move onto the next white/latin/black guy who messages him next). But he also can't be "only into Asians."
4. And then hedging it with some other self-sabotaging comment like, "thanks but you can probably do better than me"

It's really horrible to be trapped in this mindset.

Man that sucks! Sorry you have that experience. Back in the day I’ve been with east and south Asian guys just because they messaged me and said hey and they were hot. I do sometimes find myself more or less attracted to different races but always really aware of the fetish thing. I don’t really want to fancy someone just because of their race, just because they’re hot or horny.
I've not given much thought to Asian guys, no offense, but lately I have begun to see the hotness there. For several years I have had a huge attraction to one of Shania Twain's long time band members, Cory Churko. He can play anything as far as I know but he really does it for me when he plays fiddle. Beside him on fiddle for years was a hot Asian guy, if not mistaken, Roddy Christian. I would love to experience Asian but where I am there are none.

Anyone else know of her long time band member Cory Churko? Incredibly sexy little dude. I'm suspecting he's gay but don't have much basis to think so other than he's been unhindered to travel with Shania Twain for decades and never seems to be with a woman.

Cory Nova - rosto.jpg